Development of a 3D scanning system for the accident scene, and a 3D digitalization system for vehicles with precise definition of the deformations suffered during an accident. We need a system to create the accident scene with the identification of all accident forensic evidences and their measurement definition and to convert the 3D digitalization of the accident scene and vehicles into solid mechanical models with the physical properties necessary to do computational simulations. Develop of a system for rapid data collecting at the accident scene that allows the 3D scans to be performed. This system must be user friendly In order to be used by road traffic authorities or motorway management staff.Development of DS/AI models capable of feeding environment simulations with additional data, delivering additional insights related to the accident timeline. This models need the ability to relate 3D objects and evidences to other sources of precise information (sensors), to reconstruct the whole accident timeline combining data and relevant 3D objects and to identify and include at any timeline moment relevant vehicle mechanic and dynamic models, related any kind 3D object.Development of kinematic and dynamic models to perform the reconstruction of the accident collision moment and the paths before and after the impact. Definition of the mechanical equations of kinematic and dynamic behaviour of physical models resulting from the 3D scanning. Integration of the information recorded in the vehicles to feed the vehicle dynamic behaviour and driver behaviour. Creation of models for data processing that allow the behaviour simulation of the vehicle and the driver.
Funding Program: POCI - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Funding Total Budget: 964.304,48€
Funding IPLeiria: 244.971,88€
Funding CIIC: 142.002,94€