António Manuel de Jesus Pereira

Short bio

António Manuel de Jesus Pereira is Full Professor at Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal. He is the head of the Smart IoT Ecosystems research line of Computer Science and Communications Research Centre of Ploytechnic of Leiria. He was the Coordinator of the Master in Computer Engineering - Mobile Computing and was the head of Computer Science Engineering Department. Also, he was the founder of Computer Science and Communications Research Centre of Polytechnic of Leiria. He received his Habilitation degree in Informatics from University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2018, his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Engineering from University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2006 and his M.S degree in Electronical and Telecommunications Engineering, from University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 1995 and his BSc degree in Electronical and Telecommunications Engineering, from University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 1992. He has published more than 200 conference papers and refereed journals in the areas of Computer Science and Communications. He received 2 best papers awards at international conferences. Also, he is the author of 3 national patents. He supervised 12 PhDs and 45 MsCs in the Information and Communications Technology areas. Nowadays he supervises 5 PhDs and 10 MsCs in the Industry4.0, Internet of Things, Internet of Unmanned Vehicles, Cybersecurity and Active Assisted Living areas. He has participated in many Portuguese, Spanish and European research projects and coordinated more than 50 R&D+I projects for small and medium companies and institutions. He was guest editor of some impact factor international journals and has been organizing several national and international scientific events. His major research interests include Internet of Things, SMART IoT Ecosystems, Internet of Unmanned Vehicles, Industry 4.0, Next Generation Networks and Services and Ambient Assisted Living.

Latest Journals Publications


Cumbajin, Esteban, Nuno Rodrigues, Paulo Costa, Rolando Miragaia, Luís Frazão, Nuno Costa, Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Jorge Carneiro, Leire H. Buruberri, and António Pereira. “A Real-Time Automated Defect Detection System for Ceramic Pieces Manufacturing Process Based on Computer Vision with Deep Learning.” Sensors 24, no. 1 (December 31, 2023): 232.


Cumbajin, Esteban, Nuno Rodrigues, Paulo Costa, Rolando Miragaia, Luís Frazão, Nuno Costa, Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Jorge Carneiro, Leire H. Buruberri, and António Pereira. “A Systematic Review on Deep Learning with CNNs Applied to Surface Defect Detection.” Journal of Imaging 9, no. 10 (September 25, 2023): 193.


Górriz, J.M., I. Álvarez-Illán, A. Álvarez-Marquina, J.E. Arco, M. Atzmueller, F. Ballarini, E. Barakova, et al. “Computational Approaches to Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Theory, Applications and Trends.” Information Fusion 100 (December 2023): 101945.


Latest Conference Publications


Ribeiro, Roberto; Rodrigues, Nuno; Pereira, António Manuel de Jesus. Autor correspondente: Ribeiro, Roberto. "Playtest Reincarnation: Solution to Acquire and Visualize Gameplay and Observation Spatiotemporal Data". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Tomar, 2023. Aceite para publicação


Mendes, Carla, Rafael Pereira, José Ribeiro, Nuno Rodrigues, and António Pereira. “Chatto: An Emotionally Intelligent Avatar for Elderly Care in Ambient Assisted Living.” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, 93–102.


Frazão, Luis; Pereira, António Manuel de Jesus. Autor correspondente: Frazão, Luis. "Implementing a Remote Access Image Capture for Quality Control in Ceramic Production, Implementing a Remote Access Image Capture for Quality Control in Ceramic Production". Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on STC 4.0 HP – New Generation of Stoneware Tableware in Ceramic 4.0 by High Pressure Casting Robot work cell under the 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2023), Cyprus, June 26 – 29, 2023., 2023. Publicado • 10.1109/MED59994.2023


Latest R&D Projects

DUVOPS - DUVOPS – Digital Twins Heterogeneous Unmanned Vehicles Ocean Preservation System; Funded by COMPETE2030-FEDER-00924000;
Total budget: 249.868,80€;


ETHEREAL - ETHEREAL: Emotional Technologies for Mental Health based on Physiological, Perceptual and Behavioural Responses;

2021 - 2024

- Centro de Interface do INOV INESC Inovação;