SMART FARM 4.0 - Soluções inteligentes para uma agricultura sustentável, preditiva e autónoma

30/06/2020 - 30/06/2023


The project aims to design and develop innovative and accessible solutions, based on industry 4.0 core technologies (IoT, AI, Big Data, cyber-physical systems, autonomous robots) to the application on the agricultural sector, as well as promoting sustainable, predictive, autonomous agriculture practices that generate high added value, to enhance the agrifood industry of the Western Portugal Region.


Funding Program: PT2020 - POCI - Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionalização
Funding Total Budget: 3.588.453,95€
Funding IPLeiria: 392.009,27€
Funding CIIC: 223.105,96€